Friday, October 14, 2005

Just a quick update

Well, it's come to the end of the first week back at uni and I'm pleased to inform you that it's been a blast! Well...most of it anyway. To my surprise, I've been digging my kitchen classes more than I thought I would. Why I say that is coz we've just started our Patisserie component and I HATE making pastry by hand with a HUGE passion! However, I have been doing rather well and the product is turning out reasonably well....I just might start loving Patisserie.

On Wed, we made short pastry, from scratch and by hand, and turned it into a Parmesan & Thyme Tart, a Spinach & Feta Tart & Parmesan Sables. Today it was sweet pastry, also from scratch and by hand, and turned that into a Caramel Walnut Tart & Lemon Curd Tartlets. They were yum! Deadly but yum...

Gastronomy oral presentations are becoming a real drag but it has to be done. I can't wait til all assessments for this paper is over and done with-I hate them! On a happier note, in Beverage class, we have started our Wine component. We did our first wine analysis on Thursday. Most of it was new to me but some of it I knew already through a lot of cooking/food programs I fill my brain with. It was a good class and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester.

Talking bout the rest of the semester, I will be done with this semester in bout 5 and a half weeks. This also translate to.....I'm off to Melbourne in 5 and a half weeks!!!!!! I'm SO excited and I really can't wait. I think my friends are getting quite sick of me mentioning it, actually. But they understand where the enthusiasm is coming from.

I had some amazing conversations with some really good friends from Melbourne over the past week or so. Had our usual amazingly long 3 hour chat with Kath before my birthday. I always enjoy those chats coz, without fail, everytime we finish off the conversation I am left feeling very encouraged. Kath was my room mate for a whole year back at PLC and we share many fab memories. Then I called Mrs O on my birthday and, that too, was as always a lovely chat. I love catching up with how she's going and she always feels me in with the latest PLC gossip. It's funny how I get information before most people at PLC even do! The last phone call I had to Melbourne was to Tania. Great friend she is...We hadn't caught up in bout 3 months so I thought I'd surprise her with a call from across the Tasman. Another lovely chat...

It's times like this that make me miss Melb even more! But I guess this way it makes me realise how much more important they are to me. As the saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder..."


Anonymous said...

I've got to say Jean, you're lemon curd tart was soooooo yum! Any time you have any more leftovers......

Don't you think that gastronomy sounds like an intestine illness? :)

Oh yeah, and I wish I got to go to classes to learn about wine! Lucky :)

jeanie said...


Well, I never really thought about gastronomy like that but now that you've mentioned it....