Though much of what I did this year in class was repetition of the previous two year I was at uni, there was still loads to learn and repetition was very much welcomed. I picked up new skills and honed the ones I already had. So next year looks to be another brilliant year. But before that comes round, I'm looking forward to the upcoming break that I'll be having.
For photos from the final buffet, head to this website and scroll down to the photos link and enjoy...The photos on there are of the whole buffet but for some shots of my work here they are:
And all those tiny mice and frogs that you see with the's a joint effort between myself and a friend of mine, Jie Min. We spent 3 days making them out of marzipan. There is a reason why we made them mice and frogs-a little inside joke, you have to be there to get it...but enjoy the photos anyway.
So I start work at this new job next week. I'm both looking forward to it as well as nervous but I guess that's expected when starting at a new job. Anyhow, I do have the next few days off before starting so I'll be enjoying them...however, I do have a yucky cold which came down on the day of our Final Buffet!!
Plans over the holidays? Aside from working, I've just been asked to house sit for a friend's friend. It'll be a nice month of having my own place so I'm looking forward to that. And then I head away to KL, Vietnam and Singapore before I'm back at uni for my final year. (And it will be my last year of uni for a nice little while when I'm done...). Another friend and I will also be meeting up with a lecturer to start discussions rolling for next year's competitions. We will also be getting a one on one masterclass on sugar work. Now that...I'm looking forward to! Should be fun. I'll also be keeping busy making X'mas presents, as I do every year, and that will keep me out of trouble for a few weeks.
So, I'll be occupied but not exceptionally busy...
The second mouse looks a little tipsy...
I want to eat it.....
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