Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Off duty

This has been long time coming. As of May, I am officially relieved from chow duty. I am excited, apprehensive, relief all in one. It's something that has been on the agenda for a while but couldn't really happen as at the time, cession had just made their big move to our own building. And the last thing chow needed was to start from scratch with a leader saying goodbye. So we decided that we would hold off on the decision for me to let go of that position til later.

"Later" eventually came a few weeks back while Melissa, Juanita & I met for a leadership development session for me. It actually happen so quickly that I wasn't really sure if I was comfortable about the decision we made. But since then, I am quite happy with our decision.

I was getting quite over feeling so pressured about chow paperwork each week. The challenge of 'running' chow was gone. It became more of a job. So I guess it was a wise decision.

SO what will I be up to now? I've been put in charge of anything food related for he slightly larger scale events that cession runs-things like Sunday nite cafes and marriage course meals etc etc.

This is probably a little more up my alley. I'm looking forward to a few years of being part of this ministry. After that, we'll see what happens. The first event I have to organise is already fast approaching. No rest for me...beter start planning! :)

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