Monday, February 20, 2006

Be light

I wasn't gonna write this post coz Rhett did an amazing job (& beat me to it) but he said that I still should write it, which is why I am doing so. However, it'll be hard for me to do as good a job as he's done.

So we started a new series 2 Sundays ago called Re:Imagine and it's probably the most important series for the year-a vision casting series. We looked back on the past and how far we've come as a community, why we are called what we are called, our values and also looking into the future. It was great!

It is constantly being preached that we should be salt and light to those around us. Week in, week out it's the same message (directly or indirectly) and after a while all you tend to hear is nothing more than merely blah blah blah blah blah. However, there was something different about Brett's message on the first week.

Culture is probably the biggest cause (but don't quote me on this) of churches not working out. People end up leaving because the elders don't want to change their ways and this can also mean that people don't even end up coming to church in the first place. Church culture is a big no no when wanting to grow.

cession is such a community based and community focused "church" and I think that's what makes it so beautiful (in more ways than one). We are called cessioncommunity and not cession church because we want to break down those cultural barriers that have been put up over the years. When we invite people to cession, we want them to come with an open mind and, hopefully, without any pre misconceptions about what cession might be like.

Another way that we help break those cultural barriers is by providing a free meal before the service every week. As the leader of the ministry that provides the meal each week, I feel very honoured to be able to serve the community in this manner. It is also incredibly rewarding when you see a new face and/or someone that normally wouldn't even set foot in a church come. Even if they just come for the meal and not stay for the service, that in itself is already a huge win.

Then there is the whole community-ness about cession. No one and nothing goes unnoticed. Where help is needed, it is provided. Where love is needed (emotional support in times of need that is), it is given unconditionally. Where there is something to celebrate, it is celebrated. Where honesty is required, it is given without beating round the bush.

These are one of the many ways that as a community we try our very best each day to be light-not just within cession but especially with the people we interact with outside of cession. As we minister to those around us, we want to reflect and offer Christ.


Anonymous said...

I agree.

I keep writing and deleting things, because they don't make sense to me so it's highly unlikely they're going to make sense to anyone else. So, yeah, anything else I manage to type may not make sense either.

I guess one thing that struck me was that you applied the word "beautiful" to community. And that's not a way I've ever thought of it before, but you're right. There is beauty in community and acceptance and love, and I think that's because - for me at least - that's like the ultimate vision of life, of how it's supposed to be. And I'm not saying cession's perfect, because we're all human and stuff happens - but it's a whole lot closer to the "ideal" than anything else I've experienced in my life.

Not coherent today, but I agree with you anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeanius

Just thinking from your post that its a pity that church has become a word which often has negative connotations and doesn't really reflect the original biblical meaning anymore. In the bible the word for church is simply 'gathering'. All church is is God's people getting together. Its a shame that your gathering needs to use another title to describe themselves because many people misunderstand what the word church means.
And church isn't the only word christians use which most people don't really understand. Faith, grace, atone, you can probably think of more. I understand that we need to be clear and understandable to the world around us, but it is regrettable that we are having to resort to simply not using these rich words rather than trying to explain what they mean.
I'm so thankful you and I are part of God's church. :-)

jeanie said...

Megs, awesome stuff! cession is as close to perfect as I have experienced. I truly love it! And cession has been one of the many answered prayers I prayed before, during and after the move to NZ from Melbourne.

Kath great to hear from you. I agree with about the definition of church and so does everyone at cession. But I guess where I was getting with our name and why we are called what we are, is that as a community, cession wants to break the cultural barriers that have been put up by so many that turn people away from church (the place that is).

And I guess being called a community also re-empasises that we are very community based. The people are what's important to us-not so much where we meet(however having our own building would be great) but who we meet.

The name cession means to yield, to give over, to transfer power. And that's so cool and just speaks what we want to be as a community to the community.

I hope that makes sense....

Anonymous said...

Mm interesting thoughts jeanie.. I agree that cession is a good place! However, i think we need to be wary of thinking it's pretty much perfect and the be-all and end-all of churches. It could easily get put on a pedestal and thats not cool.

Just some musings of mine recently anyway :)

jeanie said...

So true...I guess I often fall into the trap of cession as "perfect and the be-all and end-all of churches" coz it's the first place that I have experienced the love, acceptance, honesty, humility, community-ness etc etc etc. And I have really found a home at cession.

But I do get what you're saying and thanx for the reminder! :)